19 September
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The views expressed by the writers/authors of the articles, published in “Echo of Islam” do not necessarily represent the views of the Al-Huda International Cultural, Artistic and Publishing Institute, but are the personal views of the authors themselves. The Al-Huda Institute reserves the right/discretion to amend, revise, edit, delete or scrutinize any part or portion of the text as and wherever deemed necessary.

Imam Khomeini (RA) from the Viewpoint of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Imam Khomeini (RA) from the Viewpoint of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran

With the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the formation of the Islamic system in this part of the world, along with the long struggle of our nation following their great leader (Imam Khomeini) to protect the revolution and Islam, a new era emerged in the world the characteristics of which are very unique. This new era should be called the “Imam Khomeini era”. (1990)

Excerpts from Imam Khomeini’s Last Will and Testament

Excerpts from Imam Khomeini’s Last Will and Testament

The Messenger of God has said: “Verily I am leaving with you the two most valuable and weighty objects: The Book of God and my household (the Thaqalain). Indeed, these two shall not part with each other until they join up with me by the pond (of Kowthar in Paradise on the Day of Judgment).” (The Prophetic Tradition of Thaqalain)

Imam Khomeini (RA) and Islamic Awakening

Imam Khomeini (RA) and Islamic Awakening

Islamic awakening is one of the phenomena of recent decades that has occurred in Islamic countries and has caused many changes in Muslim societies. This great change has been influenced by strong and influential ideas. One of these influential factors resulting in many changes in the Islamic world was the late Imam Khomeini’s discourse. With the leadership of an Islamic revolution and with the change of the oppressive government to the Islamic Republic, as well as the ten years of leadership of this fledgling republic, he was able to have many effects on the Islamic awakening in other parts of the world and among Muslims and even oppressed non-Muslims. Imam Khomeini’s discourse manifests how Imam criticized modernity and modern civilization, and throws light on the Iranian Islamic civilization, emphasizing such concepts as independence, freedom and pure Muhammadan Islam.

Civilization-making Social Capitals from the Viewpoint of Imam Khomeini (RA)

Civilization-making Social Capitals from the Viewpoint of Imam Khomeini (RA)

As a religious and popular leader, Imam Khomeini (RA) took advantage of the social capital of Iranians by using his intelligence, insight, and knowledge of social and political issues. One of the most obvious manifestations of the realization of the social capital of the Iranian nation can be considered the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian people, which came to fruition under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) and created a great readiness in the people for collective action. Even right now, his thoughts are considered as the intellectual and practical support of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of social capital (Faqih Khaljani, 2013, P. 87). These thoughts include:

Imam Khomeini (RA) as Viewed by Foreign Personalities

Imam Khomeini (RA) as Viewed by Foreign Personalities

Under the wise leadership of the great Imam Iran became a very powerful and progressive country. Iran’s progress has been very significant in recent years. The Imam is considered a global personality and the Thai masses have great respect for him.  

New Islamic Civilization from the Viewpoint of the Two Imams of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

New Islamic Civilization from the Viewpoint of the Two Imams of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

By: Mohsen Pak-Aein, the Former Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Zambia, Uzbekistan, Thailand, and the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Saddest Day in the History of Islamic Iran

The Saddest Day in the History of Islamic Iran

June 4, 1989, is one of the bitterest and saddest days in the history of Islamic Iran; the day when the late Imam Khomeini (RA) left for his final abode and the Iranian nation was plunged into a world of sorrow and grief. When the radio and television of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced the news of Imam Khomeini’s demise to the Iranian nation, the Iranian people in all the cities of the country were stunned in such a way that an atmosphere of silence and mourning pervaded all of Iran.

Imam Khomeini Championed Women’s Rights

Imam Khomeini Championed Women’s Rights

One of the gifts of being born into a family is that we inherit relatives, people who have experienced life before us. From these people, we inherit many shared values and family stories that shape our lives. Just as we have family heritage, we also have a faith heritage. As Muslims, we remember the great Muslim people who lived their lives in exceptional ways. Most often, their lives inspire us to follow their footsteps. Remembering those who have influenced us in the past and reflecting upon their lives can be a grounding experience and remind us where we have come from. It can be encouraging and empowering to reconnect with our roots and recall the lessons learned through the lives of those important to us.

Spiritual Characteristics of Imam Khomeini (RA)

Spiritual Characteristics of Imam Khomeini (RA)

The late Imam Khomeini (RA) was a perfect example of this noble saying of Imam Sadeq (AS) that: “Invite people through other than your tongue”. Just like his infallible ancestors, he lived his personal, social, political, and governmental life in such a way that what he did was not contradictory to his words.

Imam Khomeini – A Champion that Sketched a Policy from the Divine Book

Imam Khomeini – A Champion that Sketched a Policy from the Divine Book

Minds conscious of the Higher Being rededicate themselves to the cause of justice every time the name of Imam Khomeini comes to mind. He was anti-nobody, pro-justice, an advocate of truth, and opposed injustice and immorality with every fiber of his being. This is because he and justice were inseparable; he established contact beyond the grave and ensured that even when he is no more, the masses will find his ideas sufficient to sustain resistance against evil and promote uprightness.

3rd Khordad (May 24) and Liberation of Khorramshahr: A Turning Point in the History of Islamic Iran

3rd Khordad (May 24) and Liberation of Khorramshahr: A Turning Point in the History of Islamic Iran

The third day of the Iranian month of Khordad (coinciding with 24 May 1982) is one of the most prominent manifestations of Allah’s blessings upon the people of Iran and one of the most important and beautiful days of the Islamic Revolution. On this day, the resilient city of Khorramshahr, which had been occupied by the enemy since November 25, 1980, was taken back by Islamic combatants after 578 days (19 months) and the flag of Islam was hoisted over the Grand Mosque, and the destroyed bridge of this city.

The15th of Khordad Uprising

The15th of Khordad Uprising

Imam Khomeini’s arrest on the 15th day of the Iranian month of Khordad (June 5, 1963) by the government of Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, the despotic Shah of Iran, started a powerful whirlwind that resulted in the downfall of the monarchial system in Iran 15 years later.

The Relationship between Islam and Civilization in Imam Khomeini’s Thought

The Relationship between Islam and Civilization in Imam Khomeini’s Thought

Introduction: Imam Khomeini is one of the most prominent Muslim thinkers in the contemporary period whose thoughts and ideas can be studied and analyzed from various angles, including from the perspective of civilization. From this perspective, the position of Imam Khomeini is important because it has several outstanding features. First, Imam Khomeini is a thinker whose field of influence is beyond the Shiite world, but also beyond the Islamic world, and this feature has put his thought in the civilization style. The second is that; unlike many Muslim thinkers who have not and do not have a serious encounter with social issues, Imam Khomeini was directly confronted with these issues and had an objective understanding of them and is very effective. His third unique feature, which is the objective manifestation of the second feature, is that Imam Khomeini is the only religious scholar who has established a religious government in the contemporary period and has led it himself. These two features are important in the sense that, unlike others who have expressed their views more as a thinker and in the position of opinion, Imam Khomeini has combined his thought with action and his practical experience of implementing the teachings and the rulings of religion in society can reflect a more realistic conception of thought. Imam Khomeini believed both in the view of the comprehensiveness of the religion of Islam and its maximum ability to manage human affairs and meet his material and spiritual needs and move him towards progress and development in various dimensions, and by forming a government Showed the realization of part of his ideas in society.

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