25 April
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Anniversary of Gaza Blockade: A State of Siege, and Normalcy

Anniversary of Gaza Blockade: A State of Siege, and Normalcy

To avoid controversy, international organizations criticize the Israeli siege on Gaza as if it were an apolitical event. The Israeli response is the same convenient and redundant one - juxtaposing what they call Hamas’ “terrorism” with Israel’s supposedly viable democracy.

Iranian Scientists’ Role in Development of Islamic Studies

Iranian Scientists’ Role in Development of Islamic Studies

Dr. Mahdi Goljan  Islamic culture and civilization have been intertwined and interlinked with the name of Iran and Iranian individuals, as it is impossible to ...

US Targeting Middle East from Afghanistan Compiled by Mohammad Hamidi

US Targeting Middle East from Afghanistan Compiled by Mohammad Hamidi

In late December, the lot was just a big blank: a few burgundy metal shipping containers sitting in an expanse of crushed eggshell-colored gravel inside a razor-wire-topped fence. 

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