27 July
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Genocide in Gaza

Genocide in Gaza

The story of Palestine is a unique one. It is now more than 60 years since it happened and the world every day is witness to the most tragic events in this regard. Different generations of Palestinians have thus far endured tragic sufferings and hardships and they are either vagabond in other countries or are refugees in the camps with miserable conditions.

Islamic Revolution in Leader’s viewpoint

Islamic Revolution in Leader’s viewpoint

The Islamic Revolution of Iran was an exceptional, unique phenomenon of the twentieth century. The inherent features and its specific messages as well as its sphere of influence turned the Islamic Revolution into a bright, firm revolution that became the focus of attention of the ...

Zionist Regime’s Fiasco in 8-Day War in

Zionist Regime’s Fiasco in 8-Day War in

International organizations and several countries have condemned the Zionist regime’s attacks on Gaza, calling for immediate halt to attacks.

Special Issue for Ayatollah Khamenei's Letter to North American and European Youth

Special Issue for Ayatollah Khamenei's Letter to North American and European Youth

In the name of God,the Beneficent the Merciful The recent events in France and similar ones in some other Western countries have convinced me to directly talk to you about them. I am addressing you, [the youth],not because I overlook your parents, rather it is because the future of your nations and countries will be in your hands; and also I find that the sense of quest for truth is more vigorous and attentive in your hearts....

2015 Economic-Scientific Events at a Glance

2015 Economic-Scientific Events at a Glance

It goes without saying, Iran’s efforts to raise oil exports could not have come at a worse time, given the market’s lingering oversupply. Yet, that’s just part of the story.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s Viewpoint about Karbala

Ayatollah Khamenei’s Viewpoint about Karbala

The importance of Arbaeen originates from the fact that the Husseini Rising has been immortalized on that day and forever, and has become a foundation – thanks to a divine measure for the Family of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon them.

Solaymani’s School of Thinking Recognizes Enemies

Solaymani’s School of Thinking Recognizes Enemies

The American unilateralism unmasked its filthy face more shamelessly than ever on Dec. 4, 2019 and those who always claimed for leading fights against terrorism put aside their usual considerations and lovely masks and showed their real face to the world: State Terrorism. Now the White House statesmen have no fear to say that the great commander of Islam and Iran Army, Haj Qasem Soleymani, was assassinated with the direct order to Donald Trump, the United States President. It is while the freethinkers across the entire world know very well that not only the western Asia states, but the entire world are indebted to General Soleymani. His important role to destroy the illegitimate child of imperialism, ISIS, who was a threat against the security and peace of the world, especially Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon is not a complicated truth; as Ayatollah Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, said, “Martyr Soleymani thwarted all ominous plots of USA and the Zionists to separate some parts of the Middle East Region.”

Egyptian reactions to Turkey’s suspension of diplomatic relations with Israel

Egyptian reactions to Turkey’s suspension of diplomatic relations with Israel

Overwhelming support has met Turkey's move to expel the Israeli ambassador from Ankara, while some wonder why Egypt isn't doing the same.

Supreme leader's letter to European and North American youth is the Islamic revolution's new strategy in international cultural diplomacy

Supreme leader's letter to European and North American youth is the Islamic revolution's new strategy in international cultural diplomacy

Dr. Ali Jannati is an Iranian politician, former diplomat, cultural figure and currently minister of Islamic Culture and Guidance, having being appointed on 15 August 2013. We made an interview with about the Letter of Ayatollah Khamenei’s letter to Western Youth, which you can find it as follows:...

Leadership in Political System of Islam: The Concept of Wilaya

Leadership in Political System of Islam:

The Concept of Wilaya

An infallible Imam, as the successor to the Messenger in undertaking all his responsibilities except receiving revelation, enjoys the same wilaya (leadership or guardianship) that the Prophet did. Wilaya and guardianship of the Prophet in its ...

Strategic Analysis of 2015 Yemen Crisis: Global Proxy Wars vs. Regional Balance of Power

Strategic Analysis of 2015 Yemen Crisis: Global Proxy Wars vs. Regional Balance of Power

The 2015 strategic crisis in Yemen is an extension of international politics in the Arab Middle East. In fact, this crisis is the outcome of the efforts made to change the direction of a regional balance, which has been already changing,...


Islamic Awakening from Imam Khomeini’s view

Islamic Awakening from Imam Khomeini’s view

Several years ago, Middle East and North Africa have been observing widespread public uprisings and massive protests that have never existed in this area. These public movements which had been started initially following self-immolation of a young Tunisian and which have caused to prevalent revolutions and changes in the region, and consistent with wisely prediction of the Revolution’s Leader, has even penetrated to Europe, are addressed in the form of Islamic Awakening. When speaking of Islamic Awakening, a chain of concepts and words, which puts us in a sense within the “political culture” of Islamic Awakening emerges.

A Man of the Revolution

A Man of the Revolution

 A Man of the Revolution Zarrin Shajari   In great Hollywood Sagas, stories either depict human greatness or evil darkness as the main characters of films which entertain and cultivate us, trying to show us ways of becoming fully accomplished individuals. Behind the glamorous stories, when the lights of stardom are turned off, the real face of the actors and the entertainment business is filled with fake heroes, calculated reactions and great despair....

Erbil of Iraq Is Shaken by Bombings

Erbil of Iraq Is Shaken by Bombings

Acar bombing in Erbil was among at least five explosions on September 29 in the Kurdish region in northern Iraq. Six or more people were killed.

Celebrating the 43rd Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution

Celebrating the 43rd Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution

Iran is going to celebrate the 43rd anniversary of its 1979 Islamic Revolution on February 11, 2022. The Revolution that, under the leadership of the late Imam Khomeini, overthrew the last monarch of the Pahlavi regime and established an Islamic government in the country. This year’s anniversary assumes its importance from the fact that in spite of facing many hostilities and efforts to dismantle the revolution once and for all, the Iranian nation intends to pour on their streets and demonstrate the increasing power of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Relationship between Islam and Civilization in Imam Khomeini’s Thought

The Relationship between Islam and Civilization in Imam Khomeini’s Thought

Introduction: Imam Khomeini is one of the most prominent Muslim thinkers in the contemporary period whose thoughts and ideas can be studied and analyzed from various angles, including from the perspective of civilization. From this perspective, the position of Imam Khomeini is important because it has several outstanding features. First, Imam Khomeini is a thinker whose field of influence is beyond the Shiite world, but also beyond the Islamic world, and this feature has put his thought in the civilization style. The second is that; unlike many Muslim thinkers who have not and do not have a serious encounter with social issues, Imam Khomeini was directly confronted with these issues and had an objective understanding of them and is very effective. His third unique feature, which is the objective manifestation of the second feature, is that Imam Khomeini is the only religious scholar who has established a religious government in the contemporary period and has led it himself. These two features are important in the sense that, unlike others who have expressed their views more as a thinker and in the position of opinion, Imam Khomeini has combined his thought with action and his practical experience of implementing the teachings and the rulings of religion in society can reflect a more realistic conception of thought. Imam Khomeini believed both in the view of the comprehensiveness of the religion of Islam and its maximum ability to manage human affairs and meet his material and spiritual needs and move him towards progress and development in various dimensions, and by forming a government Showed the realization of part of his ideas in society.

Disrespecting Religious Sanctities (Holy Quran) from the Viewpoint of International Law

Disrespecting Religious Sanctities (Holy Quran) from the Viewpoint of International Law

Mohsen Asadi Movahed Master of International Law, Razavi University of Islamic Science

The Global Impacts of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

The Global Impacts of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

By: Dr. Mohammad Reza Dehshiri, Senior Diplomat and the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Senegal

A Note by: Dr. Elena Lavian Kashani

A Note by: Dr. Elena Lavian Kashani

Dr. Lavian Kashani (a member of the Jewish community of Iran) is a university lecturer, activist for peace, environment and human rights, religious research scholar, Islamogist, and poet.

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